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Green Mobility

The electrification of our parking places is gaining momentum. In Brussels we now already have more than 100 charging stations for rechargeable electric or hybrid vehicles. They are easy to recognize: the places with a charging point get their own color: green.

In which car parks can you find the most charging points in Brussels? Interparking was guided by customer demand. You will now find more than 20 in parking Grote Markt, 13 in parking 2 Portes, 9 in parking Gulden Vlies and 8 in parking lot Zavel-Poelaert.

Every descriptive page of our car parks on our website indicates whether there are charging points. The same applies to our mobile application. Soon you can even include the presence of a charging station in your search criteria.

How much does that cost?

You pay 1 cent per minute loading time, with a maximum of 5 euros for 24 hours. After 24 hours of charging, the rate per minute starts again. This is one of the cheapest rates in Belgium.

How to recharge your electric or hybrid car at Interparking?

You have two possibilities.

The simplest solution: use your Pcard +. Your consumption is then settled on your monthly invoice, together with your parking time or car wash in our car parks or with our partners.

If you have forgotten your Pcard +, you can always activate the charging of your batteries at the charging station with your usual card. Our charging stations are compatible with all subscription cards that are currently available in Belgium: Blue Corner, EZ Box, New Motion, etc. Do you already have a card of this type? You can then use them at Interparking charging stations. Your consumption is then settled on your supplier's invoice.

More information about the many benefits of the Pcard +: